Fathead & Madseason

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I guess everyone DOES have a price...

I saw this today on Yahoo! News and thought "A-HA!!! Now THERE'S a way to get the loser, deadbeat dads to finally be honest!" Years ago, my sister had two precious baby girls by a loser- drug addict-husband and once she finally divorced him, I'm not certain the guy paid a total of $1 U.S. dollar towards his court-ordered child support. My sister struggled with supporting the three of them for years (with a little help from myself and the rest of my family) and did an amazing job. Yes, she tried to hunt him down, had his wages garnished through social services... but just about the time she would be expecting her first payment, he'd quit his job and run. Years later, my sister met and married a guy who wanted to adopt the two girls as his own. Loser-deadbeat guy adamantly refused (and if you are wondering, YES, she HAD to ask his permission!! What a crock...). My sister and her hubby-to-be presented the loser-drug addict-sorry-excuse-for-a-father with the following option: give up his parental rights to both daughters and his growing back child support debt of $36,000 + will be erased.

He jumped on the offer.

Oh, he's still in touch with the girls... and yes, both girls being teens have been told what their birth father did. I think he's still being a DNA-donor and has fathered other children since. My suspicion is that he didn't learn anything and could care less. And if he still has two brain cells alive in that empty, irresponsible head of his, I'd be surprised. Fortunately, both girls are AWESOME despite their rough start in life and lack of fatherly support - both financially and emotionally - and have a family that they love.

If our government has found another way to force losers to step up, then I'm all for it. The fact that these losers have to be backed into a corner like this speaks volumes as to their own lack of values and self-worth. Wanna fly to the Caribbean for a vacation? Then PAY YOUR FUCKING CHILD SUPPORT, YOU MORON!

MadSeason <---stepping down off soapbox...

Psssst... can you tell I'm a little sensitive to this subject?!?!


Heather said...

I had a totaly, "YES!" moment when I read this article earlier today. It is a mazing how they can come up with vast sums of money so quickly to pay child support so they can get their passports, yet couldn't make the affordable payments for all those years.
It sounds like your sister did a great job with her girls.

Heather said...

Michele sent me this time! Hello again.

Panthergirl said...

I've so been there.

Thankfully, New York State has *no* patience for deadbeat dads. While I was waiting for 10 months worth of back child support, my daughter's dad was taking his family to Europe and enrolling his other daughter in karate classes and piano lessons.

I called NY State and they told me they are more powerful than the IRS. They dragged his sorry ass into family court (where he had to sit with the low lifes, although he viewed himself as far superior to everyone around him). The best thing they did was to make it so he had to pay the STATE every month, and then they issued me a check. I never had to ask him for money again, and there were no late payments.

The hard part is when she, to this day, fights with me and says that he loves her more than I do... Ugh.