Fathead & Madseason

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Elvis & Me

I don't usually blog here. It seems to be Madseason's world and I love reading her blogs. I have, on more than one occassion, laughed out loud and then been taken to the very other end of the emotional spectrum. So, please indulge me this brief blog.

Make no bones about it, I am a product of the 80's. Those were the years in which I was in high school and knew such words as Reaganomics, when Walkmans were cool and you were the something if you had a VHS player. That means I spent my childhood in the 70's. I can remember cars without seatbelts, riding my bike without a helmet and spending all day outside playing because being in the house meant chores. That was also a time of Elvis. I LOVED ELVIS. I was probably the only girl in elementary school that was not ga-ga over Shaun Cassidy. Instead I had a poster of Elvis over my bed that I kissed every night (on a side note, I must confess I did covet my brother's Farrah Faucet poster). Go figure. I wore our the ONLY Elvis album (that's right - ALBUM) that I had, 'Burning Love'. When my Dad and step monstor went to TJ's (the local watering hole) and gave me a quarter I always knew what two songs that I would play: 'Burning Love' and 'I'm all Shook Up'. When they took those off of the juke box I cried.

I also remember the day that Elvis died 30 years ago tomorrow. I was in Tappahanock, VA visiting my step monstor's sister for the summer. I remember hearing the news on the radio and it was as if time stood still. Rose (the sister) cried. I felt numb.

A few years ago I visited Graceland and at that time in complete denial that I was EVER a fan of Elvis. That's a shame. A person should always stand up for who they are.

I look back now and see things a little differently. It doesn't matter how big someone gets, how popular or how famous they still have their vulnerabilities just like the rest of us. They can get lost just as we can lose our way. Money, fame, fortune cannot change the very fact that they, just like any other person walking this earth, are human. So, to all of you that may read this I wish: "May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human enough hope to make you happy.

As for my hope for me... in the words of Sinatra & Presley: "For what is a man, what has he got; If not himself, then he has not; To say the words he truly feels; And not the words he would reveal; The record shows I took the blows; And did it my way."



Heather said...

Hey Fathead, Michele sent me via MadSeason...
I've always respected Elvis' music. It's funny, I was a child of the late 70's and 80's and still rode my bike with no helmet, loved Wonder Woman (your Farrah comment just cracked me up).
Be proud of your love of Elvis. If it's any consilation, I bawled the day Jim Henson (Kermit the Frog's creator) died years ago.
BTW, you should blog more often, you have a great voice tone and are just as much fun to read as Madseason :)

Pat said...

Hi! I'm here from Michele. as a step-mother myself I hope the name step - monster is said in fun. I occasional speak of my wicked step- daughter - not totally seriously.
I think Elvis is great - look at his longevity or rather that of his legend. A pity he had to do whatever it was that did him in - in the end. I suppose he was just caught in a trap.

awareness said...

We all have to do it our own way....and stand up and speak out for what matters to us!

My first visit here....and enjoyed the post.

Michele says HI and so do I.