Fathead & Madseason

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Letting the day go by

It's on the news. There are local events commemorating the event. There is a war as a result of this event. People of many nations, colors and religions have sacrificed life as a result of this singular catapult of an event. We cannot let the day pass without recognizing the valiant men and women that responded on that dreadful day and those that continue to respond to the call to service by the leaders of their country. We salute them. We honor them. God Bless our men and women in uniform.

Where were you when the first plane hit?


Bev Sykes said...

We were checking into our hotel in London and overheard someone saying "there's some problem at the World Trade Center." We spent the rest of the day in our hotel room glued to CNN.

(Michele sent me, BTW)

Mike Davis said...

I was living in Copenhagen. I thought I was watching an action movie for a while, it just seemed so surreal.

Mike Davis said...

oops - And congratulations on being SOTD - I'm here from Michele's. Apologies for the delayed comments - work server catastrophies. Thanks for the visit today, too.

Janet said...

At work...amazed and more than a little scared.

Hi, Michele sent me :-)

Karen said...

Hi. Congrats on being Michele's site of the day. Wow, what a fitting post for this very solemn day. Well said.

Six years ago I was in a meeting at work. I still remember that morning very vividly. The world was absolutely silent for about a week. It was awful.

Michele sent me and I'm glad.

Pirate Princess said...

Hi Michele sent me. Congrats on being site of the day. :)

We were camping where there was no TV - someone brought a paper into camp, and every rushed to the top of the canyon where we could get TV reception in. It was very upsetting.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being the site of the day at Michele's...and for reminding me what day it was!!

I was in bed at the time asleep, and my then-husband called home from work and told me to wake up and turn on the news. I woke up in between the first and second planes hitting.

flleenie said...

Hey Madseason...Congratulations on the site of the day.

I was watching the Today Show when the 1st plane hit, and when the 2nd plane hit...

Then the collapse! I remember asking..."How many people just died?"