Fathead & Madseason

Friday, September 9, 2005

The Toys...

Once upon a time in a land, not so far away, lived two girls who loved to ride motorcycles. Little did they know that this is precisely what would bring them together!! A life long Harley rider (her riding life being about 2 and half years at the time of this writing), Sonya, aka MadSeason, started off on a 2004 Harley Davidson Sportster 883 but longed to ride with the big girls and eventually graduated

to this beautiful 2005 Harley Davidson 15th Anniversary Edition Fat Boy: Jean aka Fathead, was a skeptic when it came to Harley products. Her first bike was a 2004 Honda VTX 1300C and she put over 12,000 miles on it in the first year. The Harley bug bit after one quick trip on a friend's Road King and the conversion was complete. For her birthday Sonya bought her a

2005 Road King Classic in her favorite color... black. Does any other color exist? And no... Sonya is not available... and yes, she did gloat saying "I told you so" when the admission of Harley superiority was finally verbalized!

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