So my aunt & uncle moved to St. Augustine recently and during the moving process, they uncovered some memorabilia that they thought I'd be interested in. They couldn't have been more right.
Lemme introduce you to Lee Ann Oleson - Brown - Salano.
My Mom. The reason for my existence, the 'wind beneath my wings' so to speak. Sorry folks but there's no mom on earth who loved more than my Mom loves me. I wish I knew when this picture was taken but I'm guessing from the beehive-do it must've been early 1970's. Check out that smile, those eyes. Full of dreams and a promising future, wouldn't you say? This picture was obviously taken before the demands of raising three children - myself and my brother only 15 months apart and the 'baby' 2 more years later and obviously a 'blessed accident' - and years with an adulterous husband tried to take the sparkle outta those eyes and put some wrinkles in the face...
She is a beauty - always was. I always felt honored when people told me 'Awwww... you look just like your Mom!' She was brilliant, funny, interesting... and when I was a teenager - overbearing, irritating and ignorant. You know that period of your life that you go through and feel that your parents are against you?? I was convinced she was out to ruin my life.
But I learned, she enriched my life more than she ever knew. I have a vivid memory of a time in my early 20's, sitting at my desk at my work when it hit me - my Mom wasn't out to ruin me at all. As a matter of fact, she did know quite a lot about a lot of things!! She did care about me and love me unconditionally!! Eureka! What a discovery that was. I immediately bought a Hallmark card where I scratched out my feeble revelations of how I wish I had known that she was right all along and if I had known this all those years ago (back when I was 15 years old) I wouldn't have treated her so badly all that time. I declared my love, devotion and gratitude to her and that I would try to be 'better'. But you know what?? She knew I'd come to that day all along... musta been hell for her waiting for me to grow up. If it had've been me, I woulda killed somebody like me.
My Mom is gone now - died from breast cancer years ago at the age of 61 - but I'll never, EVER forget her or what she's done for me. Remembering her strength makes me strong today. Remembering her compassion and selflessness makes me more compassionate. Remembering her laughter - especially at some of the dumbest jokes ever written makes me smile. It is an honor to be her daughter.
P.S. To my brother & sister ---> don't get your panties in a wad... we all know Mom loved you both too but she loved me more cuz she had me first!! ROFLMAO ;)
What a beautiful tribute to your mom. I'm glad Michele directed me here.
nice. This is a wonderful tribute. I also lost my Mom to breast cancer, unfortunately I was only 6 at the time. But I know what type of person she was and God blessed me with a wonderful step-Mom who helped me keep my memories of my Mom alive.
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