Bikers ride all kinds - from rusted-out heaps to sport bikes and top dollar cruisers with more chrome bling than Tiffany's. These people are CEO's and doctors and lawyers and blue collar workers and women of all ages and military veterans and people from all walks of life. Riding a motorcycle puts you into a community of others where everyone shares the same passion and it has become more common to hear among the motorcycle community 'it doesn't matter what you ride as long as you ride'. The biker image may initially elicit thoughts of apprehension and suspicion of shady characters looking for some unsuspecting soul to harrass - however, that image is changing. There are still the 'Easy Rider' types - but I'd be willing to bet if you needed help, these scary types with the long ponytails, copious earrings and covered with tats would be the first one to step up, open their wallets, offer their hand or give you the shirt off their back. These are usually the ones who attend charity events because they want to help. They are loyal, committed, generous - but don't fuck with them.
I presented the flyer and info about this ride to our governing officers on Oct. 30th. I had printed the flyer prior to the meeting and didn't really pay much attention to it. Upon presentation, many of our officers noticed the image and were appauled that such an image was used to attract us and other motorcyclists in Jacksonville. I too am very offended by the image and embarassed to have even mentioned it.
Is this what *** (name of company removed) thinks is a good representation of motorcyclists today ?
Do you think for one second that the outlaw bikers are the ones that support all the charity events around the country each year ??
Are these the type of riders you are trying to attract for your ride ??
Many uneducated members of the public already think of motorcyclists as being scary outlaw types anyway. This flyer only helps to perpetuate such a stereotype. We will not be participating. Perhaps we'll come down and protest. I have already spoken to my friends in the HOG club as well.
Mr. Arrogant Windbag (name of asshole removed)
President BMW Owners of North East FL.
This is the image that this loser has an issue with:
(Keep in mind this Ride is sponsored by a utility company and the gray helmet is supposed to slightly resemble a hardhat...)
Mr. Arrogant Windbag:
Okay... first of all, the event is to benefit a charitable organization (a large well-known agency) so why you are choosing to be an ass will not only reflect negatively on you and your 'Club' (yawn...) but you are hurting a host of others who will never be the recipient of the funds that could have been raised because of your elitist attitude.
Second of all, bikers support charity events and you'd know this if you ever went to one. All those poker runs? They are for a purpose you idiot! Bikers are extremely generous and are the first to organize a function to help a downed biker and his/her family, a life threatening illness, contributing to national agencies such as United Way or March of Dimes...
Thirdly - and probably most importantly - who in the hell are you calling 'outlaw bikers'?? Anyone who doesn't ride a BMW? If you knew anything about the motorcycle community, you would not toss this term around lightly. Your arrogance is clouding any better judgment you should have... It's obnoxious people like YOU, Mr. Windbag, who perpetuate the negative images and you would do well to remember that people are PEOPLE and you are no better than me or anyone else.
What people ride is their personal preference, Mr. Windbag - just like you'd never catch me spending one dollar on a BMW motorcycle. Never. It is my preference. You are NO ONE'S JUDGE, Mr. Windbag and before you criticize the personal choices of others, you should concentrate on looking in the mirror. Seems you have a host of issues of your own to deal with.
Oh... and Dennis Hopper?? I LOVE YOU MANNNNNNN!
I'm not surprised! BMW car drivers are the rudest and most arrogant assholes on the road, so it makes sense that the BMW motorcyclists' attitude is similar. Oh, of COURSE anyone who doesn't own a BMW is just SO not worthy! Barf.
Loved your post. :) I've been ragging on BMW drivers for years.
What a toolbag. Isn't BMW a German bike?
Didn't the famous Nazi regime popularize that helmet look?
..on the other hand...
...nothing says biker than Dockers, a Sports Coat and hard saddlebags with a built-in caviar cooler.
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