Fathead & Madseason

Friday, August 24, 2007

Apparently Laws Don't Apply to Celebs... WTF?!?!

Are you f*cking KIDDING ME?? Read this: "...Lohan was charged earlier in the day with seven misdemeanors stemming from two drunken-driving arrests in the last four months..." Not one but TWO DUI's!!

Then get this: "...Lindsay Lohan reached a plea deal Thursday on misdemeanor drunken driving and cocaine charges that calls for her to spend one day in jail, serve 10 days of community service and complete a drug treatment program..." (bold letters mine)

Here's another one: "...LOS ANGELES - Nicole Richie was released from jail Thursday after serving 82 minutes of a four-day sentence for driving under the influence of drugs..." (all bold letters, again all mine...)

I'm really naive. I thought that with the rise in alcohol-related traffic crashes and fatalities, stiffer penalties were being designed to deter (dare I say, PREVENT!?!) driving while drinking or doing drugs or whatever... What kind of message does this send out, especially to our younger generation? I can't see how Loser Lohan or Ritchie (or goofy Paris) can get away with behaving like lunatics, endangering life and/or property and let's face it: breaking the law by driving drunk!! This infuriates me beyond words!! I mean, check out Ritchie's mug shot... someone tell this chick this is not a fashion photo shoot!!
Doesn't look to me like she's very worried - or very guilty about breaking the law...

My heart goes out to all of you who have lost someone to a drunk driver... Apparently our government is no closer to establishing harsher penalties than they've ever been and so those out driving around drunk and who manage to get pulled over, apparently all you have to do is drive by the jail and your case will be stamped 'time served'. Sheesh.


annie said...

It pisses me off. These high profile celebs with plenty of time and money, who's "careers" will NOT be ruined by drunk driving should get jail time and a suspended license.
They can easily take time away from their "job", pay fines and what kills me is that they could have hired a driver to chauffeur them around IN THE FIRST PLACE!!
I mean, they could have had a driver on salary at their BECK and CALL 24/7!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Well, I believe this:

ONE DIU...A Suspended License for three months and a Treatment program.

TWO DUI'S: Suspended license for a year...TREATMENT PROGRAM.

THREE DUI'S: License taken away forever! Drink as much as you want cause you , and TREATMENT Doesn't seem to work.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

That last should read..Cause Treatment doesn't work for you....
I am not sure about JAILTIME, . It diesn't seem to work as far as I can see....But I think the eqivilent hours thripled, of Community Service with something to do with Alcoholics should be mandatory...!

Mike Davis said...

It's a very sad refelction of our current society and the weight we give to celebrity. Jeeze,that makes me sound old!

Thanks for stopping by today.
