Fathead & Madseason

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

And you thought YOU had it bad...

::trying to find the right words::

Check out the Post Secret site... The video brought tears to my eyes!! What did you think of it??

Thanks for the link, Crystal!!


Pixel said...

I've seen that site before. It can truly make you cry, cringe and cackle within moments of each other.

Michele said...

It is a truly heartbreaking and yet inspiring video.

Sharing my Post Secret secret: Just before the release of the Post Secret book, Frank Warren sent a letter out to a "small" group of five hundred bloggers who he considered influential in the blog-world. His publisher offered to send me a copy of the book. Warren is brilliant, but really, including me on his list? Brilliance has moments of secret foolishness.

Speaking of secrets: Please, could one of you explain to me WHY it took me so long to become aware of your wonderful blog? Really? I need to know these things. One of you, or both, could have waved the "we are wonderful flag" in the comment section of my blog to make me click over much sooner than I did. So, why the secret?

Oh, it's my own bloody fault? Fine, be that way. At least I now know where you are and will quickly add you to my blogroll. This blog should not be a secret from anyone. Yes, it is THAT good.

I will be back. Please pretend this is a good thing.

Star said...

I enjoyed that quite a bit. Even if it was advertiement. Thanks for pointing me to it.

Jennie said...

I think each one of the letters says something about each one of us somehow. I guess it's just the universal pain. Your motorcycles are beautiful! Michele sent me.

Crystal said...

I love that site. I had no idea there were so many people who shared the same thoughts as me until Postsecret.

